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Virtualization: Complexity And Extinction Of Hardware

Virtualization-Complexity-HardwareThese days I was talking to my ex-Coordinator, one of the references I have in IT. The topic of our conversation was Virtualization. Theme in a broad nature, took great proportions, as usual. Therefore, I will limit the item in 2 (two) closely connected points discussed in that conversation.

The first, on the challenges that the recent Virtualization has provided. It is known that virtualization has brought us many facilities. But if we analyze the difficulties that came proportionally, in particular, the complexity in virtualized environments are acquiring.

Sometime ago, a good Analyst of Infrastructure, IT Administrator or Networking (other functions does not come to mind right now …), knew very well about the server architectures ( server hardware ) that handled as well as install the Microsoft Windows Server in any of its versions. And that not so long ago.

The scenario today is very different: Depending on the environment, it could hardly have contact with new architectures and perhaps NEVER make a new operating system installation. After all, the templates are ready in virtualization tools.

The logical and the physical distance becomes increasingly larger. And the layers in between these extremes also increase. This process occurs in an accelerated manner. The challenge of managing it all, in every sense, requires more technicians and managers. Therefore, the market goes through a period of consolidation in regards to Virtualization Professionals. The supply of professionals really prepared to handle the complexities of recent Virtualization is very small.

And you? Are you prepared?

As a consequence of this direction that virtualization has taken, beginning the second point discussed here. Recently, I have closely followed the reduction of a Data Center “n” equipment “n – 10”. Virtualization eliminates hardware with the same dexterity.

Virtualization: Complexity and Extinction of Hardware


At that moment, one of the subjects of my responsibility, is the conversion of at least six (6) physical servers in a reasonable postage, virtual servers. Their hardware is near the end of the security agreement, and the company has no intention of any renovations until that the costs for this operation have been treated and are viable before the Virtualization option.

I try to imagine a future medium-term, a website analyst equipped with monitors, keyboards and mouse, with processing (hardware) centralized and distant. Also try to imagine the analysts who read this article, that same future, nostalgic conversation with a new generation of analysts, remembering the times when it was possible to have contact with hardware and that “IT” was something more tangible.

Have you ever imagined a “Data Center” stuffed only with wires and cables? It is good to prepare …



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