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Public Cloud and Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)

In the past, IT managers and IT staff had similar priorities and objectives. They needed to streamline internal operations of companies with systems enterprise resource planning at the enterprise level. They needed to increase employee productivity by introducing wireless access to the commercial units within the office, as well as develop and implement new technologies for more effective work.

But the situation has changed now. IT managers are increasingly looking to IT departments as a means of introducing new solutions for business. At the same time, they realize that the existing IT-organization established in accordance with previous commercial requirements and to meet the new requirements they often have to transform. This explains the interest of IT managers to “cloud hosting” technologies that can be used in IT infrastructure.

With regard to IT departments, they are trying to keep pace with technological changes in the IT industry, as well as maintain all existing systems. Cloud computing is usually not included in their list of priorities. They care about security, enterprise data management and ongoing system health.

This new distinction priorities CIOs and IT managers raises the issue of choosing the format of cloud computing, which most suit the specific enterprise. In favor of choosing one or another variant of such arguments are usually:

Public “cloud” requires less spending, but we need to pay special attention to safety and accessibility of data. May need to reprogram the application.

Public “cloud” offers the best IT infrastructure, in particular a more efficient use of resources, but to take advantage of this new technology, you will need to learn new skills to crossover, and increase the level of automation.

Outsourcing of cloud services (from data center service provider) can also be considered as an option, as the market appears to get more and more relevant offers from trusted providers.

Choose a way to transition to the cloud by using the architectural concept of Data Center Business Advantage. This concept allows customers to determine the extent of participation in the IT transformation and the need to engage in this process is a trusted IT partner by using their own resources or hosting services. As a result, the company receives “cloud hosting” services in the version in which you want, and its professionals can use their existing IT skills.

For customers who want to create a more powerful, more flexible and efficient computing environment, ESDS offers a unified computer system. IT serves as the basis for a private “cloud” and can be easily combined with such complex decisions as Vblock and SMT, which include virtualization, computing, network and storage systems .

In addition to the IT infrastructure, ESDS offers the cloud-based services that can interact with enterprise architectures.

Ultimately, the “cloud” – is not a product, but rather a range of services that improve the functioning of the IT systems of enterprises. As a Data Center Business Advantage, it is tied for first place on commercial needs. It creates a flexible infrastructure to provide the necessary new applications, and allows you to manage risks associated with the services provided to users.


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