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Autonomous Power For Data Centers

The number of data centers that are created for the needs of individual businesses and to accommodate third-party resources, is constantly growing. Most often they are located near cities or directly in their line, which has a number of features imprinted to create their energy structure. Often, the design must proceed from an existing building and its heating and electricity. That is what we can call a serious drawback, since electricity is only one source and is totally dependent on supply of the city.

This disadvantage is eliminated in most cases of installation of diesel generators, which include the case of an emergency power outage. But the problem is that, while they work, they depend on the capacity of the fuel tank. We can complement this with UPS power system, working on lead-acid batteries, from which the data center is fed for a short time. In addition, this generator does not ensure smooth operation of air conditioning and heating system.

Micro turbines gas can solve the problem fundamentally, it not only generates electricity, but also provides water heating due to the heat of burnt gas. It is an autonomous system that provides heat and electricity. Another advantage – the possibility of combining gas turbines into clusters, which ensures uninterrupted operation of the system. To operate micro turbines, several types of gas can be used, the most interesting options are biogas and natural gas. Biogas is produced in special plants, which are inexpensive to operate.

Combined-cycle plants have been developed over forty years ago, but not used on a large scale. But now, in response to emerging need to replace equipment on a large number of power stations, Combined Cycle Gas Turbine (CCGT) attracted the attention of engineers. Deployment of PSU can be done in a short time, resulting in a low-budget, independent source of heat and energy, which is very important when building a data center.


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