Expenses Reduce for Future Cloud Flavors
We make the point that cloud storage is certainly proving itself to be a cost saver and profit generator for businesses.
Cloud Adoption Definitely Boosts Financial Services
The above tries to point out that a decision to adopt the cloud will definitely speed up processes that are involved in delivering financial services.
New Year Resolution of Cloud Technology
2015 has been a great year for cloud computing but it is just the beginning of a new era. 2016 is estimated to be more promising and will be experiencing the concrete implementations of the futuristic technology. In this article I am going to elaborate a few upcoming trends in cloud technology and its implementations.
Oracle 12c: First cloud compatible database system
Oracle database 12c is the first of its kind to be compatible with a cloud based environment it provides multi-tenant design on top of a quick, versatile, dependable, and secure database platform.
Improvising Move to Digital Grid is the Ideal Solution?
There are issues surrounding the formation of a path towards a digital grid. It may be that this is a logical step for all businesses to take.
Fundamental skills to succeed with hybrid IT
Hybrid cloud is increasingly gaining interests of many organizations thereby increasing the numbers of adopters of hybrid cloud. However, it is giving rise to new terms like hybrid IT and hybrid enterprise. It is assumed that Hybrid IT is going to be the next evolution of the cloud.
2016 brings new security threats along with it..!!!
Hackers ARE NOTHING if not persevering. Where others see obstructions and quit, Hackers savage constrain their way through hindrances or discover approaches to diversion or detour them. Also, they'll calmly contribute weeks and months contriving new techniques to do as such.
Analyzing the SAP CEC Suite
The SAP customer engagement & commerce (SAP CEC) suite is a complete package of cloud platforms for different modules like CRM, E-commerce, analytics, Sales, Marketing etc. These different client engagement tools support both business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-customer (B2C) engagement procedures. So let’s dig more to know what lies beneath the SAP CEC Suite.
Enterprise BYOD Security: Cloud Computing Improves it
Can the Cloud help make enterprise BYOD safer? the following describes just how the Cloud does so.
Cloud Improves IIoT Productive Efficiency
The above message points out how the cloud can improve the producive efficiency of the industry of things or IIoT.