Four Attributes Essential To The Private Cloud Computing
By the time the market began to talk about cloud computing, most attention was given on the concept of Public Cloud Solutions. Today, however, the priority of IT departments who study the adoption of cloud architecture is to invest in private cloud or hybrid cloud. Private clouds also have their share of challenges and they... Read More
Big Data: The Most Lucrative Professions For The Next Seven Years
The Big Data may be a new concept, but has shown exponential growth on interest and use with each passing year. Taxed by many as a revolution in the management segment analysis technology for an absurd amount of data from different sources is being increasingly used by large companies in gaining insights and market trends.... Read More
Big Data Platform Makes Mapping Of The Indian Internet
Access to 3.5 million Indian sites and the analysis of 2.5 petabytes of information resulted in a new mapping of National Internet. The study revealed some interesting facts about the current state of web and penetration tools and social networks among administrators. According to the information provided in the survey, India currently has 2.2 million... Read More
How Much Does One Minute of Data Center Downtime Costs?
According to the study, minute of downtime in data centers average cost of 7908 dollars. And this amount will only grow with time. For example, in 2013 the minute of downtime was 5617 dollars. The study was conducted in 67 data centers ( data centers were in different industries), the average area of surveyed data... Read More
Components That Effectively Manage Data Center
Before CIOs faced challenges with increase in the efficiency of storing and processing information, compliance with the requirements and standards, security, and improve business support. To solve them, spent more and more money, but expensive technological resources are often only partially used. For mature data centers operated for a long time, the problem is felt... Read More
Five Trends That Should Strengthen Cloud In 2014
The year 2014 promises to present developments in relation to cloud computing hosting providers, a technology with great potential that, although present in our day-to-day, still has much to offer. Here are five trends that should strengthen the use of cloud as a service: On and offline increasingly connected: Social networks have quickly become the... Read More
Cloud-Based CRM Is a Smart Move?
Many companies have decided to move their web-based platforms and applications to the cloud. The term cloud computing has become so popular that even those who do not know what it means but have at least heard about it. Despite that popularity, while many companies are comfortable moving their web presence to the cloud, they... Read More
Distribution of web resources through Content Delivery Networks
With a billion of websites out there on the internet, this is probably more than the number of hairs on human head. With so many websites on internet how does one improve upon the performance of web server to respond faster and cater to all the needs by the internet browsers? Only scaling the webservers... Read More
Selecting a Hosting Provider – Go for a Biggie or a Smaller Provider?
Numerous articles have been written on selecting a web hosting provider based on your requirements. A quick Google search throws hundreds of such articles mentioning various parameters that one should consider before finalizing a web host. So why one more on the same subject?? Well, because it’s a different point of view. Most of these... Read More
What To Look For In a Web Host ?
There are many companies which provide hosting for small as well as big business. How would you decide which company is best for you? You can follow these rules while choosing your winner. 1) Backups – Daily basis: Please look for this option keeping your eyes open while choosing a web host. This service should... Read More