Characteristics Of Document Management Systems
There are several commercial applications for document management. However they are different from each other, the majority of document management solutions contributes a uniform set of features that we describe below. Web Interface They have a designated User Friendly Web Interface, ie, enable interaction through a well-known common user – a simple browser, which is... Read More
The next big thing – Digital Advertising
In my last blog “Evolution of Advertising in India” I covered the evolution since independence of India, Here in This blog I am sharing my thoughts on the latest trend and buzz about the Digital Advertising. Digital advertising is the most advanced form of advertising where everything is optimized to bring right things to right... Read More
Best practices for successful cloud implementation in your organization
Phase 1: Planning Planning is the key to implementing any solution without which you are bound to lose track. Having a proper plan would allow you to have a successful migration to a cloud solution and would be able to gain all the benefits it has to offer. Planning is the first step in understanding... Read More
What exactly is Core Banking?
From the last 3-4 years, we are reading news like ‘XYZ bank deploys Core Banking Solutions ’,’ Bank ABC is implementing Core Banking System ’ etc. But what exactly core banking is? Core Banking Solution (CBS) is the networking of bank branches, which allows customers to manage their accounts, and use various banking facilities from... Read More
Introduction of Advanced GIS and RS Technologies
Remote Sensing and GIS has become beneficial, exciting glamorous due to different upcoming opportunities and nowadays it is useful in our day to day life. Question comes in our mind is that, why GIS fields are important currently, two main reasons behind this are. 1) Currently everybody including scientists, researchers, students, and even common people... Read More
Plan for Continuity Of Business Is Priority In Business
Big or small, any company determined to succeed must ensure that their data and information is protected in the best possible way. If the company has already been decided to outsource the data center company in india, it is a priority that the outsourced company have a disaster recovery plan. Thus, even if an incident... Read More
Use these Five Tips to Boost your Twitter Following
If you are into social media marketing or want to leverage social networks for your business then you cannot ignore Twitter. Twitter is one of the top social networks with more than 500 million active users. And there are about 400 million tweets sent per day. Twitter should be a part of your social network... Read More
Benefits of Cloud Based Performance Testing
Performance (Load & Stress) testing is a very vital part of the software development life cycle. There are many examples that shows loss in revenue due to poor response time of application which is due to absence of performance testing during SDLC. Today, prime challenges with performance testing is the cost for setting up required... Read More
Why a Cloud Solution is essential for your Business?
While small businesses are having a hard time competing with the big players there are various things that they cannot come at par with but there are certain process which they can definitely improve upon by leveraging the cloud for their business functions. Apart from data storage for anytime and anywhere access businesses can also... Read More
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