eNlight Cloud Platform’s Comprehensive Monitoring Features
eNlight Cloud Platform’s Comprehensive Monitoring feature gives you bird’s eye view of your system environment
Over the last few years virtualization has turned out to be one of the most important elements to achieve Cloud Computing. ESDS’ eNlight Cloud Platform, Amazon’s EC2 and Microsoft’s Azure being key Cloud Computing providers make extensive use of Virtualization technology to allow optimal use of resources and proper metering of usage of all the resources, thus, providing on-demand resource utilization, agility, flexibility and scalability, as well as billing capabilities. All these features have led to evolution and emergence of highly-distributed systems operating in virtual environments that pose remarkable challenges for securing systems and makes development of mechanisms supporting dynamic monitoring necessary along with proper evolution of software and applications running inside it.
Dynamic and seamless software development has become a key element ensuring great system security and dependability. Along with this another key factor is the maintenance of applications to keep them up-to-date and making sure that these both are used and are functioning properly under the above mentioned settings. The problem grows worse in certain virtualized environments when a set of applications run over several virtualized environments that, in fact, run simultaneously over the same or many physical layers.
ESDS’ eNlight Cloud Platform provides a wide range of Virtual Machine performance monitoring parameters which can provide functionalities as well as address all the challenges. So the parameters include monitoring Compute, Network and Storage. Let’s see how each of these function:
eNlight Cloud Platform supports Hybrid VM resource scaling, which means that vCPU of VM can get reconfigured between its maximum and minimum vCPU range when a load of application increases or decreases. It is important to track changes in VM’s vCPU count at runtime. eNlight gives you enough controls to visualize these changes taking place with respect to vCPU. You can visualize them through performance graphs which can be enough more queried for a specific range of time and date frame. Hence, supporting dynamic monitoring of application.
Memory Monitoring is similar to vCPU monitoring, as the load increases/decreases on the VM, the memory gets hit and as a result VM reconfigures itself. To monitor this eNlight Cloud Platform provides controls to visualize this dynamic nature of VM. It gives a detailed representation of vCPU and memory consumption and helps administrator/user to understand the trend of VM load for a period of time.
eNlight gives you the privilege to control and monitor disk’s read and write speed, from this information you can plot a graph with respect to total volume of data being written or read. eNlight Cloud provides a feature to fetch data of over a period of time. This gives the flexibility of plotting graphs for a specific disk, if VM has more than one disk.
eNlight Cloud Platform provides intense statistics with regards to Network monitoring. Network monitoring parameters include Ping Monitoring, Network Bandwidth Monitoring, and Network IN/OUT Traffic Monitoring. It also provides per VM Network Interface Monitoring that provides details about monitoring parameters mentioned above. Network monitoring also offers flexibility of plotting graphs for user-requested date and time range which helps the user understand the network data flow for a specific date and time frame.
eNlight Cloud Platform offers Application & Database monitoring tool which delivers powerful application and database monitoring capabilities for IT professionals and Database Administrators (DBAs) enabling them to analyze and troubleshoot performance issues faster and, ensuring and maintaining proper health of all applications. It is also ensured that slow applications and downtime does not impact your end-users and business services. Along with that it is made sure that pinpointing the root cause of application and database issues across various layers of the IT stack takes place. Key Features of Application and Database Monitoring:
• Few clicks to resolution:
Using Application and Database Monitoring tool Database Administrators can monitor the Alarm Dashboard and it takes only about 3-4 clicks to find a resolution.
• Multi-tenant availability:
The DBA and Developer collaboration of Application, Database Performance monitoring is accessible to everyone in the IT organization. Thereby improving collaboration and increasing problem resolution speed.
• Agentless:
Due to the highly potential database monitoring tool even during heavy monitoring time frames, there is just as less as 1 per cent load on monitored database or web servers.
• High performance of Oracle, MySQL & MySQL servers:
Multi-dimensional performance offered by database monitoring tool simplifies root cause analysis by correlating SQL statements, context, system and storage health, wait events, backup job status and response time.
• Proactive trend analysis:
eNlight Cloud Platform delivers threshold-based alerts and reports. It can proactively monitor database & application health, and identifying trends before they become problems.
• Providing a complete performance picture:
The DBA’s co-relates essential statistics to give an understanding of query bottlenecks, server health, and how session statistics interact.
• High availability and performance of business-critical applications:
eNlight Cloud promotes no business loss. There’s faster resolution enabled with a few ready to use recommendations.
• Reduced cost of troubleshooting:
There’s a huge troubleshooting cost reduction because of automated alerts and recommendations generated proactively by eNlight cloud platform.
eNlight Cloud Platform is inexpensive as well as easy to deploy, use, and customize. You can automatically determine system’s environment and start monitoring in about an hour as there are no professional services or added consultations required.
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