ESX Server Operating System Maintenance For Optimum Performance
Your VMware cloud host is only as efficient as all its components. To ensure that your cloud hosting environment remains robust at all time, it is very important that the ESX server Operating System remains healthy too. One of the first indicators that there is something wrong with your server OS is that the ESX host slows down noticeably at times resulting in time-out errors. You will also notice that the log files are registering an increasing number of errors. There are four critical areas you should focus on to remedy the situation.
Processor power and RAM: make sure your ESX host isn’t running short on either of these two. Make sure you use high performance processors and keep increasing their number as the demand on their resources increases.
Similarly, keep increasing the RAM capacity of your ESX host in accordance with the VM work load.
Enhanced Storage: There should be enough disk space available to your ESX server. Use high performance disk storage system with a good RAID configuration. Use SAN server for your cloud architecture so the ESX host resources are more readily available to the Vms.
Latest Tools: Don’t forget to update your VMware tools as you upgrade your ESX servers to get the best performance. Enable time synchronization between the host and the Vms to ensure efficient functionality.
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