How is Smart IoT Enhancing the Lives of Indians Today?
The dawn of Digital Transformation marks the beginning of a technological revolution. This decade is all about connecting people to smart devices and transforming the way business is done. As we step into the digital era, smart cities, smart homes, smart retail, smart farming, connected cars, connected wearable devices, and connected healthcare is gaining popularity. Surely, the Digital era brings a connected life for Indians with a connected society. In the technological rat race, the Internet of Things (IoT) has become an important trend transforming the Indian industries. It has the potential to bring in the next industrial revolution serving not just humans but humanity.

The IoT cloud platform stores huge data generated by the sensors, websites, and applications enabling real-time solutions, responses and analytics. As the world turns increasingly digital, IoT has unlocked its potential to change interactions between humans and machines thus transforming lives. As the world is getting smarter day-by-day, a variety of industries plan to embrace IoT over the coming years. An official data reveals, 70% of organizations have adopted or plan to adopt IoT solutions by the end of 2020.
Let us dive in deep to know how IoT is enhancing the lives of Indians:
- Smart Home Automation:
Today as the world turns out more digital, we look upon IoT to make our lives much easier and simpler. IoT helps you design a smarter home where you can switch of lights post leaving your house or turn on AC before reaching home. The increasing need for human comfort, safety, and security as well as energy consumption has become the major driver for the smart home market. A report reveals the Indian smart home market will rise to 7.2% by 2022. Smart IoT enables you to control your home appliances with voice commands or just with a single click.
The IoT enabled smart home is a combination of smart devices and applications capable of controlling lighting, security, home entertainment, etc. These devices are connected in a mesh network enabling flexibility to operate one device by the action of others. IoT enabled smart homes to function in real-time, which is the need of today’s generation.
- Smart Wearable Technology:
Wearable technology is considered the ubiquitous implementations of IoT until date. The IoT enabled smartwatches to help you track your heartbeats, the distance you have walked, calories burnt and much more. Connected to your smartphones, these wearable devices are capable of controlling your calls, business meeting calendar, notifications, etc.
These IoT enabled wearables are highly energy-efficient and small-sized.
- Connected Vehicles:
According to the report by Gartner, 2020 will witness 250,000,000 connected cars on roads. IoT engineers are bringing a new tide of innovations for car manufacturers by introducing connected cars with sensors. IoT enabled connected cars are transforming the automobile industry creating self-driving cars. These connected cars are a smart guide helping you avoid clogged roads. They can notify you of the tasks on the way to your destination.
IoT enabled cars to help you leverage the comfort of auto temperature adjustment in the car, voice command-driven radio system, and navigation system. They generate the maintenance notification before the car breaks down instructing the owner to take it to a garage. Connected to our smartphones, these IoT enabled vehicles can connect and disconnect calls, generate business-meeting notifications, help you access different apps while driving and much more.
- Smart Cities:
The capability of IoT to solve major problems faced by people living in cities has motivated IoT engineers to take up the smart city project. The government of India has taken an innovative initiative of smart cities to drive the economic growth of the country and enhance the quality of life of the urban population. The digital era will see most of the Indian cities using intelligent technologies like IoT to construct energy-efficient, environment-friendly and smart infrastructure.
IoT enabled smart parking notifies you of the parking slot available to park your car as soon as it enters the area saving your time and efforts. IoT has also eased monitoring electricity and water bills through smartphones. It also allows retina scanning to unlock the door while entering the house, operating microwave, washing machines, refrigerators, etc. through smartphones improving the lifestyle of the urban population.
Utilizing IoT devices like sensors, lights, and meters to collect and analyze data, the Indian government is trying to improve public utilities and services. The potential of IoT to shape Indian cities transforming them into smart cities is limitless. IoT has already accelerated the growth of smart cities in India with automated vehicle parking, traffic management in some Indian cities.
- IoT Enhances Agriculture:
IoT has opened the gateway for inventions in different sectors including agriculture. Industrial IoT has marked the second wave of green revolution by enhancing agricultural productivity at a low cost. IoT has enabled farmers to monitor the water tank levels in real-time empowering a more efficient irrigation process. In addition, IoT sensors have helped farmers to track down the time required for a seed to grow a vegetable.
IoT enabled smart farming to improve the agricultural system with a clear observation of humidity, temperature, soil, etc. It not only saves the time of farmers but also reduces the extravagant use of water and electricity.
- Smart Retail:
Retailers in 2020 consider IoT to be the smart choice for their retail solutions due to security reasons. IoT has transformed the retail outlets into smart stores, which have the potential to serve customers depending on their tastes, needs, and habits in real-time. Retailers are using IoT to personalize their store and offer customers the products they are looking for. IoT has enabled retailers to study the buying behavior and spending pattern of consumers from the data collected by smart devices.
- IoT for Healthcare:
The Internet of Things (IoT) has become a technological trend currently embedded in multiple industries including healthcare. IoT enabled healthcare solutions to offer real-time health monitoring via connected devices saving a patient’s life in case of a medical emergency. It gathers real-time medical data and transfers it to doctors for tracking the health conditions generating continuous alerts to the patients via mobile apps. Experts are using smart IoT for a statistical study of drugs saving time and money involved in the manual approach.
Smart IoT has changed the way Indians consume technology. It has enhanced the lives of Indians offering smart homes, cars, healthcare, retail, Agriculture, etc. IoT enabled smart cities have offered various facilities to the urban population reducing human efforts and time. Truly, we can say IoT has automated the lives of Indians.
There are many cloud-based IoT providers in the market like ESDS eNlight IoT as a platform delivering a smart way to communicate between devices.
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