How to Utilize Cloud Security Measures for Scaling your Business Growth
While most of the world and businesses have adopted the cloud to ensure ongoing business practices during the pandemic, data security has always been a concern. As a matter of fact, cybersecurity has been a major concern long before the pandemic. To improve and make day-to-day business operations more efficient there are thousands of cloud service providers available in the market. Without a doubt during the difficult times of the year 2020, cloud computing services have been saviors to corporates and startups along with all SMEs.

The concern of data security begins right from an individual level to large multi-national and even global organizations. While the cloud has helped organizations run smoothly and churn income during the pandemic, the safety and security of the essential data have been taken into consideration by the cloud service providers. With cloud security that is designed to protect the data on the cloud along with other applications it also safeguards from threats and cyberattacks. With a combination of services, high-end technologies, and higher control, cloud security ensures the prevention of data loss. Cloud security measures also work on the lines of data privacy regulations and other organizational compliances. Let’s understand more about cloud security measures.
The Services and Security
There are many reasons why businesses are moving towards the cloud, which are applicable and useful to all kinds of businesses. Cloud provides scalability, which means storage and network capacities can be adjusted as per the demand. If the demand is higher or lower the cloud acts according to the flow. This also means it’s a pay for what you use kind of deal. Based on the demand, ability and requirement nature of the business can shift from a capital expense (CAPEX) business model to an operating expense (OPEX), which often results in significant cost savings. Agility is another aspect of cloud services, that leaves room for improvement for applications.

When Shifting to the cloud, businesses have to back up their data in case of an emergency or cyber-attack. This ensures proper data back-up and safety to the customers that can be backed up and stored at multiple locations in case of need. This is a power-packed and full-proof disaster recovery plan for businesses along with data backup and recovery options. This also eliminates the chance of data duplication or repetition.
Critical Data Safety
During the year 2020 over 1 million cyber security attacks were recorded, this number crosses the recorded attacks from 2019 by 3 times. Over 15,000 Indian websites have suffered from cyber-attacks in one way or another. As the world is getting digitized, Data will keep growing along with it and so will the need of securing this data. Industries and organizations have been investing heavily financially as well as with manpower to make use of the best technology and skills to save and secure their data. With attackers sitting on the edge of their seats to make a move, businesses are more prone to data breaches or attacks. To avoid such instances or disasters, there are robust cloud service providers that offer enhanced security solutions.

These security solutions come with advanced protection from intrusions and malware attacks, which can help in reducing overall IT expenses and management for tech leaders. Based on the type, size, and demand of the business, the security solutions provide monitoring along with analytics that gives complete control over data security to the customer.
The cloud service provider’s security solutions work in hand with the business’s compliances and regulations as per their industry-wise standards. With the help of Artificial Intelligence, Machine learning, and Threat Intelligence cyber-attack instances can be mitigated and reduce their impacts on businesses. Adapting to the cloud should decrease security concerns and leave room for businesses to focus more on building the business as ensured by the cloud service providers.
The Digital Transformation Era
The demand for cloud services will only increase in the coming year thanks to the pandemic. Digitization has been roaring for decades but the pandemic has surely accelerated its growth. Businesses have taken this as an advantage to learn more about their customer needs and offer them better and enhanced even customized engagement solutions.

Going ahead deeper into the depths of this digital transformation, staying and thriving in the market is going to be tougher. To grow the business, keep the customers engaged, and expand the horizon companies need to stay on top of the latest trends in the digital market. With the help of cloud computing business owners can look forward to growing their business with more exuberance.
To protect your data, you have to protect your business and with smart planning and a reliable cloud service partner you can allow your business to grow. ESDS’s SOC solutions offer data security for your business needs with advanced technology and skilled cloud experts. Moving to the cloud is a necessity but choosing the right partner for your cloud services is a crucial decision. With ESDS’s services and products, your business will get a one-stop shop for your IT needs.
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