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Mobile devices corresponding to 50.3% of all traffic in the Online Store


Traffic in Online Store

According to research based on an analysis of more than 100,000 e-commerce stores, 50.3% of the traffic in virtual shops are from mobile devices (being 40.3% from mobile phones and 10% from tablets) and only 49.7% from computers. It may sound crazy, but the fact is that mobile commerce is already a reality.

Also according to research, the Google search traffic comprised 18% of traffic from computers and only 12% for mobile phones. These data seem to show that computers are being used for research products, while mobile devices for spontaneous purchases, which are instigated from Social Media, Email Marketing and SMS Marketing.

The increase in purchases on mobile devices also brings another exciting trend, which we are calling “always buying”.

According to research, the traffic on e-commerce sites from computers is traditionally peaked between Monday and Friday and disappeared during the weekend. Since mobile traffic behavior has a somewhat opposite peaks occurring during the weekend.

So when you combine mobile, tablet and computer, traffic to online stores, you will find noticeable peaks. In other words, purchases are something that people are always doing.

It’s no secret that it’s better meet the need of consumer to navigate through touch and let them make a purchase from their tablet or mobile device, than losing a lot of sales. Something that cannot be good especially when you are trying to make the first sale to this client.


3 Responses

  1. Rober Heilig

    Great real stats about e-Commerce traffic and currently smartphones plays an important role that drives the huge amount of traffic to shopping sites. This trend will increase year by year because easy access to the broadband and each customer have credit cards.

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