Monitor your Website Defacement Attacks with ESDS VTMScan Content Change Monitoring
The dawn of the digital era has given rise to technological innovations in transactions done on a daily basis marking the digital transformation journey of common people. However, these digital transactions have increased the probability of security breaches incurring a huge monetary loss. You never know your website might be the next target! The hacker may be spying on you!
A survey says 85% of information security officers have come across security issues relating to the digital expansion of companies. Moving into the digital realm, hackers are hunting innovative ways to walk into your website domain. The cybersecurity professionals are finding it difficult to cope up with their pace and keep an eye on them.
ESDS VTMScan is a gateway to defend your website security with proactive alerts of your security lapse. Stay Alert – track the hacker before he traps you with ESDS VTMScan. It scans vulnerabilities, malware and threats on your website generating a notification of the security breach. Get timely reports of the security lapse and protect your website.
ESDS VTMSCAN Content Change Monitoring:
“We monitor webpages… so you don’t have to!” ESDS VTMScan content change monitoring engine detects alterations to any public-facing website. It timely monitors and detects the changes in your web content due to a security breach. Get notified of alterations by scheduling your website for content change monitoring scan and defining your email address to receive the report. Stay Alert of the changes that are important to you!
Defacement Detection:
An attack on a website that changes the visual appearance of the site or a webpage is website defacement attack. Similar to the graffiti in the physical world, website defacement leaves a detectable mark on your digital property. Here, the hackers generally replace the website content with their own messages, which may damage your company’s reputation.
These cybercriminals typically break into your web server mutilating your website structure partially or wholly. Website defacement attack can incur losses and even the customers may abandon your website if they feel it be hacked.
Track content change using ESDS VTMScan advanced website content change monitoring protection service.
In the content change, monitoring system the client is added to the scanner enabling security defacement monitoring to track before it is breached. While monitoring, the records are maintained taking snapshots. In this phase, the genuine changes made by the client are captured and compared with the current state of the website.
How does it work?
Content Change Monitoring Flow

Website Defacement Monitoring – Key benefits:
- Early detection of security issues on your website including, unauthorized addition or modification
- Entire webpage scanning to detect website defacement
- Early identification of security infringements
- Negating the impact of the defaced web page on traffic and search engine page rank
Proactive alerting and intuitive dashboard for troubleshooting
ESDS VTMScan services ensure timely and relevant user alerts through emails that are configured for notifications. These members are notified in case the content change-monitoring engine detects a breach in the website content.
The content change monitoring report notifies you of defacement attacks on your website. It alerts you of a security breach in your website, aid in troubleshooting issues, and help stay on top of security infringements
Here are some key features offered by the web defacement VTMScan Report:
- Defacement status and page source
- Percentage change in content
- Percentage change status
- Average percentage change –It gives you average percentage change in your URL content for last 5 scan instances with respect to the original snapshot
- Ability to export reports as PDFs and share it via email

Wrap Up:
Don’t let your data be the hacker’s treasure! ESDS VTMScan content change monitoring is a gateway to trace the defacement attacks on your website. Get notified of a content change or security breach in your website with proactive content change monitoring from VTMScan.
Avail ESDS VTMScan for your website and get a detailed report in case of security breach. We assist you to defend your website security by generating alerts in case of security lapse.
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