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Pros and Cons of Multicloud


Pros and Cons of Multicloud

Combinations of the service providers for varied applications with different platforms makes a Multicloud environment, it can also be said as Heterogeneous Cloud platform. Multicloud platform comes with some benefits and some challenges. This type of platform is predicted to be widely adopted in future. Let us see some pros and cons of using Multi cloud.


  • Reduced Dependency: The facility to deploy applications with diverse cloud providers clearly reduces dependency on single provider. This facilitates the leverage of most advantageous offer available around and switching between providers to avail these offers.
  • Hybrid platform: Some applications can be carried with Private cloud services and some with Public cloud services. All considerations of security, performance and cost optimization are taken. Hybrid cloud solution provides with faster services.
  • Comprehensive proficiencies: Services from different providers supporting different platforms offers different comprehensive capabilities. Options depending on the requirements are available and can be chosen as combinations to fit in comfort with cost benefits.


  • Different APIs: Different providers providing services with different application setup, necessitates different APIs management. This can be fulfilled with specialized tools to achieve seamless deployment and management even with combinations of different services.
  • Complex structure: The biggest challenge of multi-cloud is its inherent complexity with different technologies, different interfaces, different services, and different terminology. There is currently no standardization of terminology, instance sizes, or methodologies across cloud vendors.
  • Needs Management overhead: Expertise in management of these hybrid formations is required to determine and plan the cloud usage in diverse range of subjects. Increase in management overhead is brought up with this. Expertise in diverse range of subjects is required to manage this hybrid platform efficiently.

Considering all these pointers there initiates dilemma in choosing Multi-cloud platform. However, with proper expertise and knowledge Multi cloud can flourish the present state in Business to make it more proficient with value addition.

Vaishnavi Kulkarni
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