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Trends that will change storage game in coming years!

From smart phones and tablet computers to mobile apps and cloud-based technology, there’s a surplus of technological advancements to not only keep track of, but also to profit from. To stay competitive in the market every organization needs to anticipate the most significant technology trends that are shaping the business and then develop innovative ways to use them to business advantage. 

Overall data storage requirements are growing at 40% per year, but IT budgets are only growing 5-7% annually. Data migration is complex and costly. The cost of data migration alone can be up to 54% as expensive as the new disk array itself. By 2018, it is expected that 61% of archived content will be quickly accessible up from 43% in 2013.

Following trends will change the storage game:

Cloud is here to stay and grow:

Adoption of cloud services by businesses, small and large, will continue to increase across industries. To support varied requirements of companies, cloud providers, in turn, are looking to the storage industry for the configurations in terms of capacity, performance and cost that best suits the needs of each vertical.

Big Data will get bigger:

Data is being generated, captured and used by individuals and corporations in more and ever innovative ways: To connect, to market, to enhance, to increase productivity, to optimize, to improve health care, customer service, agriculture and much more. Its use has spread quickly across industries and with the Internet of Things (IoT) providing a platform for intelligent automation, data promises to get even bigger. High Speed Analytics using advanced cloud services will increasingly be used as a complement to existing information management systems and programs to tame the massive data explosion.

On demand service will be next big step:

On demand services will be offered to all the companies and organizations which want to rapidly deploy the services. These services can be Hardware as a Service (HaaS), Software as a Service (SaaS).  These services will help companies cut costs as they provide access to powerful software programs and the latest technology without having the expense of a large IT staff and time-consuming, expensive upgrades.

Visual Communication:

It has taken video conferencing on next level with programs like Face Time, Skype and other which gives us video communication on phones, TV and tablets.  Visual communication will be integrated with video conferencing and then it will take business to next level as relationship building tool for business.

 Amazing UAV’s:

2015 was the monumental year for the Drones. Drones are everywhere but still the technology is still very young. But by end of 2016 Drones will practically become ubiquitous. It will be used for film making, land management, surveillance and package delivery, agriculture, in oil and natural gas industry, shipping.

Smart phones & Tablets will become our primary and personal computers:

Here mobile network will become a must have capability. An enterprise mobile strategy will become mandatory for all size organizations. This will lead to boom in mobile data, mobile commerce, mobile media, mobile marketing, mobile sale, mobile payment, mobile health and many more things.

Advance automation and cloud robotics:

Cloud robotics is an emerging field of robotics integrated in cloud computing. It allows robots to benefit from the powerful computational, storage and communication resources of modern datacenter.

The year of flash storage:

Year on year growth for storage of the data is growing but it is more for flash storage. Mainly mobile and smartphones are on flash but now due to fall in the price now it is available on laptop and desktop also. Flash has already established itself across major vertical enterprises such as cloud and data center solutions for healthcare, finance, manufacturing industries that are also players in IoT solution space. The flash industry has ability to provide customized and innovative offerings

As we live into a future powered by big data, cloud computing, driver less cars, and emotionally aware robots, real life technology is matching and even surpassing everything we’ve seen in science fiction. It’s exciting to just see how these trends will play out and change the way we go about our work and our lives.

Source: www.Forbes.com, www.bigthink.com

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