What is the Importance of Scanning a Website and How to Choose a Scanner to Do That?
As technologies are increasing every moment, so we also desire to have more securities related features. The reason for craving more security is that the attackers are getting clever and even their techniques are getting advanced. So, there are pros and cons whenever we improve any technique. This situation is similar when it comes to protecting websites. Every website is prone to attacks through various methods. If you have a website then you will truly want to protect your and consumers’ data. The responsibility increases when your site is an e-commerce site. Whenever there are payments in your site’s scenario, your customers trust you and hence you need to keep up with their trust! Therefore, you require to scan your website without any arguments.

Nowadays, digital and online marketing is in a boom and everyone is out there, creating content for their blogs, products or services. Though it may seem simple it is not that easy. Many people use WordPress for their blogging as it is the most popular and easy one. Yet, the security of the site is the vital thing to maintain.
Easiness of any platform can help you in creating content but, you have to be proactive in tuning and fixing any problems with your site. To solve the problems, you must be knowing them. There exists various threats in this online world and attackers or hackers are constantly searching for vulnerable sites. If Facebook was hack-able, so where do you feel your site stands on the level of security. Now, you get why it is your duty to protect your website. So, what you can do and how to do? Let’s figure it out.
There are several kinds of bugs, malware, phishing attacks, DDoS attacks, injection attacks and the many more from which you need to protect your site. So, let’s check out the ways through which you can up the level of your site’s security-
Website scanning–
By now, you might have learned that it is very essential to scan your website on a regular basis. This scanning ritual makes sure that your site has complete protection against all problems. Creating a website takes a lot of efforts, and it takes enormous time and patience to even make it note-worthy. Not scanning your site periodically can result in loss of all these efforts.
Website scanning is for the security and protection of the data – yours and consumers’ both.
In this process, your website is scanned for checking how vulnerable it is and what you can do to save it. This method is very useful and effective as a vital step to protect your website.
After this information, it is important to know how these things work.
Advancements in digital and disruptive technologies are remarkable and hence, there are several number of ways to scan a website. Read on the list below to know various types of scanning procedures for a website–
- Custom Scan –
As the name suggests, you can customize the things you want to scan. You can choose between the types of catalogs and files which you want to scan. This alternative is a popular choice among users due to the freedom it provides. You can freely choose the parts of your site to scan.
- Quick Scan –
Again, as per the title, this scan is a quicker one as compared to others. If you check the frequency, then a quick scan is most frequent. This type scans the major and common areas of your website and the active parts viz., folders and files. The virus may not be found a major number of times, but still, this scan can be run to assure quick safety.
- Full Scan –
If you desire a comprehensive scan for your website where no corner is left, then this scan type is for you. Full scan has the ability to catch any type of problem which may be possible in your site, no matter how minute it is. Every single part of the site and its data gets checked and if some vulnerability exists, then it makes us aware of the same.
Which types of attacks a website is prone to?
Any type of site is vulnerable to different types of attacks. To avoid them, you must understand them. See, what types of attacks can be possible –
- Hacking –
Being super alert is the key to stay safe from hackers. Hacking techniques are growing day by day and even if hackers have to struggle, still they find a way out to hack a site. It becomes a cakewalk for them if the site is vulnerable and less protected or not protected at all! Of course, these types of attacks are going on from the day the internet came into existence. So, it is crucial to stay away from intelligent hackers.
- Security breach due to improper configuration –
Any hacker would try his level best to get through the security and get the major database details. The configuration of the server, what is its host, and to scrape the similar data is the main aim of a hacker. Once they get all these types of details, it becomes very easy to breach the security and trace the database.
- Authentication failure due to non-connectivity –
This problem arises when there are risks of website authentication and session management. Loose or insecure authentication credentials are the prime cause of such problems. If you don’t address these problems well in time, then it can lead to data loss.
- SQL injection attack –
This a very old age technique which is very common to attack the sites. One small code in the SQL statement of any page of your site and all the data from the database is in the hands of that nasty hacker!
So, these were the types of techniques which are popular to disturb and destroy any website.
Now, what’s the solution?
Website Scanners. Yes! To be specific, ESDS VTMScan by ESDS is one such scanner which protects you from all sorts of attacks. There are several features in this ESDS VTMScan which offer a comprehensive solution for all your site security woes. Check the main titles of these features over here. You can read these in detail in the above link.
Major features of ESDS VTMScan–
- OWASP Top 10
- Content Change Monitoring
- Malware Scan
- Phishing
- CMS scan
- Domain reputation check
- Robust Link Crawling
- Banner Grabbing
- SSL Scan
- LFI & RFI detection
What are the benefits of scanning a website?
All these efforts are majorly for protecting the security of the site, so the prime benefit will be the security enhancement. Enlisting the advantages would be a good idea. Read on below-
- Top-level secure site –
Achieve a top-notch security for your site. Your site will have a sound security against all types of malware, phishing attacks, etc.
- Data safety and security –
Don’t worry about your data now, as it is going to be secured due to this advanced website scanner- ESDS VTMScan.
- Site Vigilance –
You are going to know what is happening with your site, you will be in total control. If you detect any sort of threat, you have the power to throw it out of your system. The constant monitoring can help you a lot and ease out your tension.
Concluding here, it is evident how crucial it is to scan your website for all-around safety and security. You can now judge which features are essential for the protection of your precious website. Share your views.
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