ESDS Knowledge Base


Problems connecting to SQL Server Y

On the forums, you often see the question: “Can not connect to SQL Server-y.” Causes of problems with connecting to SQL Server-in can be many, but there are simpler methods of diagnosis and identification of problems connecting to the web hosting server.

Step 1.
Try to “ping” the database server by name and by IP-address command Ping [SQLServerDNSName], where SQLServerDNSName – DNS name of the database server in the network. If you have problems with ping by name, it is necessary to fix problems with DNS on your network. If the server does not ping by IP-address, it is necessary to solve the problem, or routing packets in a network, or check the network itself for physical breaks.

Step 2.
Satisfied, provided that step 1 succeeds. A simple check to connect to the database server with the command telnet [SQLServerIPAdress] [port] – where SQLServerIPAdress IP-address of the server, port-port connection to the server, the default is 1433. Upon successful connection, telnet terminal screen will be clean with a blinking cursor. If it is not connected check the port connection to the server. Determining the port settings on the client running the utility cliconfg.exe, on the server – the utility svrnetcn.exe.

Step 3.
Satisfied, provided that steps 1 and 2 was successful. Often use this step when you connect an error Login failed for user [UserName], where UserName-username under which you want to connect to the database server. If you encounter this error, you must check the type of authorization. By default when you install SQL Server-and Windows-only authentication is enabled. If you are connecting under the login sa, you must install the database server hybrid (mixed) authorization. You should also check the password for the username under which you are connecting to.

Above shown are the three simple steps to connect to SQL Server-y.

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