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How Blockchain technology secures data?

Blockchain technology enables more secure online data transmission, eliminating middlemen and singular control. Let us see how Blockchain secures the data:

a.Blockchain is decentralized: Since Blockchain is entirely decentralized, there is no single source controlling it. The data is not stored in a single storage location like cloud servers; Blockchain breaks it into small chunks and distributes these chunks across the entire network of computer. Since a copy of the ledger is stored at every node or computer, one or two nodes going down will not result in data loss.

b.Blockchain offers encryption and Validation: Blockchain stores the data in an encrypted form and can be easily validated to prove it has not been altered. The signature across the ledgers can be verified to check if the records are altered. If the signature is rendered, then, it means the record has been changed.

c.Virtually impossible to hack: Unlike the traditional networks that hackers can easily break into and alter the data stored at a single location, Blockchain makes it unfeasibly hard. Hacking Blockchain needs altering most of the nodes simultaneously, which is not possible for hackers today.

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