Cloud Services Will Reduce Data Center Power Consumption
According to new research, cloud computing offers significant advantages in terms of efficiency of energy consumption and the development of this area will have important implications both for energy and for green environment. The market research predicts that by 2020 the distribution of cloud computing will reduce the global data center energy costs by 38% compared with the scenario of growth in data center facilities in their current form.
Distribution of cloud services will have a significant positive effect on energy consumption. Only a handful of environmentally friendly technologies, if any, can reduce energy costs and green technology, while creating as little disturbance to the business. “SaaS” (software-as-a-service), “IaaS” (Infrastructure-as-a-Service) and “PaaS” (platform-as-a-service) – all this is, in essence, more efficient models than those used now, and expanding their application to become one of the main factors responsible for environmental cleanliness of IT in enterprises.
As one of the elements of the script spread, Cloud research predicts that in 2020 data centers will consume 139.8 terawatt hours (TWh • h) of electricity, ie by 31% compared with 201.8 TWh • h in 2012, this also means a significant reduction compared with 226.4 TWh • h, which would have been expended on the scenario of data center expansion in their current form. Reducing consumption will reduce data center total cost of electricity from 23.3 billion dollars in 2012 to 16.0 billion in 2020, and will reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 28% compared to 2011, according to a report prepared by the firm.