Installation Guide for Python 3.6 on Linux

Python is a programming language of high level, interpreted, imperative, object-oriented, dynamically typed and strong. It’s probably the programming language that is more easy and pleasant to deal with. It is a multi-platform language, i.e. the same program can run Python in Windows, UNIX, Linux, BSD, and MacOsX.
In this article, we will show how to install Python 3.6. Our major focus will be installing the core language tools that can be used in the command line.
Furthermore, it’s essential to note that Python is very useful for a wide range of educational, enterprise, and scientific purposes – right from web development to desktop applications and to machine learning.
Steps to Install Python 3.6 on Linux
You can also install the core packages using yum and aptitude (or apt-get), you will get to know how to perform the installation from source instead.
Thinking Why?
Because this enables us to get the latest stable version of the language (3.6) and to give a distribution-agnostic installation procedure. Before installing Python in CentOS 7, make sure your system has all the required development-dependencies.
To check, use the below command.

For Debian, you need to install gcc, make, and the zlib compression/decompression library by using below command:

Run the below commands to install Python 3.6:

Now you need to wait for some time because this may take a few minutes. Once the installation is done, use which to verify the location of the main binary as shown below:

Here is the output generated of the above command and this must be similar to:

To exit the Python prompt, type.

Then press Enter. That’s it! At this point, Python 3.6 is installed on your system.