What Is The Difference Between Storage And Backup?
Although it is customary for many people who already understand the importance of backup, save (saving) a copy of your files on a thumb drive or external hard drive cannot be considered as a backup. At least not technologically.
No that it is wrong. After all, storing data on a second device beyond the computer disk is a way to not to lose the files and organize them. It is also a way to exchange piles and piles of books and CDs for a simple external hard drive and open space in the house (for those who opted to digitize these assets, of course).
Also, this is a good way to create an “archive” with those documents and media that you created / used in jobs and old projects or even in school and college.
Think of storage as a “depository” with files that need to be accessible to you with just a few clicks. But that does not mean effective management of their information and do not run any risk of losing them. Will you be able to read what was stored in these files a few years ago?
Backup is the act of copying most vital information in a safe place, preferably with a predetermined schedule or a frequent routine. In this process, files and programs (including operating systems, dedicated servers and applications) are not always copied fully, but in pieces, which are administered by the system to always keep the most current version over previous versions.
Think like this: Backup is, all the information you will need to recover in case of viruses, stick in HD or on your broken computer. You’ll need the software that came with your external hard drive to do this efficiently.